Feel Great With…
What we do with our bodies has a big impact on how we feel.
Sometimes we don’t feel very confident and our bodies tend to demonstrate this – perhaps we are hunched over a bit, looking down, or fidgeting.
This in turn can make us feel even less confident and it can become a never-ending cycle.
Taking control of what we do with our bodies is a quick and easy way to make ourselves feel more confident whenever we need to.
The superhero power pose is fun to do and is a very effective confidence booster.

STAND with your feet hip-distance apart with your feet firmly on the ground:
- This will give you the STRENGTH you need!

IMAGINE you have a string coming from the top of your head pulling you up really tall:
- This will stop you from hunching over and makes you feel more POSITIVE about yourself!

PUSH your shoulders back to make your chest wide and strong:
- This will help your breathing and makes you feel more expansive and in CONTROL.

PLACE your hands on your hips like a superhero:
- This will stop you fidgeting! You’ll feel more CENTRED & PURPOSEFUL!

BREATHE slowly and deeply:
- This will CALM you down…

- This will help you feel HAPPIER and more CONFIDENT!