Knowing who we are and what is important to us helps us make good decisions. This exercise helps us to choose the three most important words we can keep in mind that will act as a guide for all the decisions we need to make.
First of all, think of about 8 words that you would like people to use to describe you. Think about different people and different situations – your friends and family, your teachers, situations at home, out with your friends or in school. What words would you like the people around you to use to describe you? Perhaps words like kind, hardworking, enthusiastic, confident, caring, or adventurous? Think about what is important to you. It might help if you think about words that describe other people that you really admire. These words don’t have to describe how you are now, but could be how you want to be described in the future. They can help to give you something to aim for.
Look at your list of words and now choose the 3 most important ones from that list. They should be 3 words that really sum up the kind of person you want to be.
These 3 words can now help you make decisions. In any situation think about what you need to say and what you need to do in order to demonstrate these 3 words. You could prepare for new or tricky situations in advance by referring to your 3 words.
You could create a picture or logo for your 3 words to help you remember them. Stick it up somewhere you can look at it regularly.